The Essential Guide to Knowledge Management: E-Business and CRM Applications (Paperback)

The Essential Guide to Knowledge Management: E-Business and CRM Applications (Paperback)

作者: Amrit Tiwana
出版社: Prentice Hall
出版在: 2000-12-16
ISBN-13: 9780130320001
ISBN-10: 0130320005
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 352 頁


The no-nonsense guide for every decision-maker, manager, and e-business strategist Beyond CRM! Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management for e-business A proven 7-step implementation roadmap Aligning e-business strategies and technologies Results-driven development and deployment Team building, goal setting, and corporate culture Real-world case studies: Lands' End, Gateway, and Dell This is the no-nonsense, real-world briefing on knowledge management and customer relationship management for every business decision-maker and IT professional! In one easy-to-understand book, a leading KM consultants explains exactly how to benefit from knowledge-enabled, customer-centric CRM technologies-and offers a proven, 7-step roadmap for implementation! How KM and CRM work-and how they impact existing processes and IT infrastructure Using KM and CRM to leverage your strengths, maximize your employees' efforts, and deepen customer loyalty The Customer Knowledge Value Chain: knowledge-based individualization, and long-term learning relationships Aligning e-business strategy and technology choices: getting beyond "The Innovator's Dilemma" Team-building and goal-setting for winning KM/CRM projects Auditing your existing knowledge and customer relationship systems Corporate culture: key changes you may need to make, and how to make them Architectures, technology frameworks, platforms, and integration issues Results-driven development and deployment techniques Detailed metrics: evaluating your system and identifying key opportunities for improvement The better you understand your customers' needs, the better you can serve them-and with today's breakthrough KM/CRM systems, you'll understand them better than ever before. Start leveraging KM/CRM for competitive advantage now—with The Essential Guide to Knowledge Management!



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