有沒有辦法測試 console.log 整體 (Is there a way to test for console.log entires)


有沒有辦法測試 console.log 整體 (Is there a way to test for console.log entires)


示例:當我們的 trackscript 服務器運行時,我們可以轉到 https://www.thrillist.com/ 當視頻正在播放時,我們可以監控播放器上發生的事件,例如靜音、快進、暫停等...並將它們記錄到控制台。


我們目前正在研究 BrowserStack 以檢查跨瀏覽器的兼容性,並可能使用諸如 nightwatch.js 之類的框架來編寫單元測試。



方法 1:

Usually it's not recommended to unit test log messages: they are not part of the required behavior for a given piece of code, and should be able to change without breaking a bunch of tests.

However, if you really want to unit test log messages anyway, the recommended approach is the same as with anything you want to unit test: Wrap calls to the console messages in a separate class and use dependency injection to inject that class into your components. That way you can create spies, mocks, etc. for that dependency.

(by Michael CarnealStriplingWarrior)


  1. Is there a way to test for console.log entires (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#browserstack #javascript #nightwatch.js


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