從訪問表單的文本字段傳遞開始和結束日期參數 (Pass start and end date parameter from text field of access form)


從訪問表單的文本字段傳遞開始和結束日期參數 (Pass start and end date parameter from text field of access form)

我正在使用 MS Access 2016,我正在嘗試將開始和結束日期參數傳遞給查詢,例如:=>[start date] & <= [結束日期]



方法 1:

Simply include an or is null branch to your query selection criteria, e.g.:

select * from YourTable 
    (YourDate >= Forms![Your Form]![Start Date] or Forms![Your Form]![Start Date] is null) and 
    (YourDate <= Forms![Your Form]![End Date]   or Forms![Your Form]![End Date]   is null)

(by RizwanLee Mac)


  1. Pass start and end date parameter from text field of access form (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#ms-access-forms #SQL #ms-access


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