從照片生成漂亮的直方圖? (generating nice looking histogram from photo?)


從照片生成漂亮的直方圖? (generating nice looking histogram from photo?)

我目前正在尋找一種解決方案,用於從照片中生成“漂亮”的直方圖。我想有一個用於 linux 的命令行工具。我知道,imagemagick 可以生成直方圖,這不會那麼糟糕,但我想用直方圖標記軸。

也許有一個工具可以解決這個問題,或者我可以結合例如 imagemagick 和 gnuplot 來實現這個?



方法 1:

its late here so this answer is not fully complete but cimg c++ library has an example program to collect the data from the image: described here

This data could then be piped to gnuplot as you suggest, either directly in the code or via a shell script as midway down this page: http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/intro/working‑e.html

Writing code might not be what you want to do, but the cimg example is very well documented and is only about 15 lines long. It might end up bein the quickest thing to do.

Anyway, bed time for me

方法 2:

Another alternative is matplotlib ‑‑ have a look here and here for examples of graphs that you can create. It does require writing a bit of code, but if you're familiar with Python, it's quite easy and straightforward. The real benefit is flexibility ‑‑ you can customize the appearance of your histograms to fit your particular purpose.

histogram in 10 lines of code

(by auroraTommpenkov)


  1. generating nice looking histogram from photo? (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#image-processing #imagemagick #gnuplot #histogram #photo


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