如何為通過 Kestrel 服務器託管 PWA 的 UWP 桌面橋應用配置 https (How to configure https for a UWP Desktop Bridge app hosting a PWA via a Kestrel Server)


如何為通過 Kestrel 服務器託管 PWA 的 UWP 桌面橋應用配置 https (How to configure https for a UWP Desktop Bridge app hosting a PWA via a Kestrel Server)

我有一個桌面橋應用程序,它使用工作服務來託管 PWA 和帶有 Kestrel 在 https 上的 WebAPI

用戶運行工作人員,並從 ff/chrome/edge 瀏覽到服務





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  • 從 CA 購買證書。我將如何分發它?

  • 參考解法

    方法 1:

    So, it seems you can't

    In 2015 certs can not be issued to IPv4 or IPv6 address and must be a FQDN with a public top level domain

    TLS is not just about encryption, but also identification, private ips can't be publicly identified

    And PWA's need https to work, so options..

    1. Self‑signed certificate, which won't be trusted and show the user a nasty message
    2. Publicly host the PWA and certify that domain, then call back to the loopback address over http to communicate with the running worker, this is considered secure. I have done this and it does work, but means my app can only communicate with the user on the same machine

    There are other options that need you to have control of the network dns ‑ which I won't have

    (by Anthony JohnstonAnthony Johnston)


    1. How to configure https for a UWP Desktop Bridge app hosting a PWA via a Kestrel Server (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#tls1.2 #HTTPS #desktop-bridge #kestrel-http-server #SSL


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如何為通過 Kestrel 服務器託管 PWA 的 UWP 桌面橋應用配置 https (How to configure https for a UWP Desktop Bridge app hosting a PWA via a Kestrel Server)


在 Apache 2.4.37 中禁用 TLS 1.0 和 1.1 不起作用 (Disabling TLS 1.0 & 1.1 in Apache 2.4.37 not working)

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