在 MySQL 中查看授權 (View grants in MySQL)


在 MySQL 中查看授權 (View grants in MySQL)

如何在 MySQL 中查看給定用戶的授權(訪問權限)?


方法 1:

An alternative method for recent versions of MySQL is:

select * from information_schema.user_privileges where grantee like "'user'%";

The possible advantage with this format is the increased flexibility to check "user's" grants from any host (assuming consistent user names) or to check for specific privileges with additional conditions (eg, privilege_type = 'delete').

This version is probably better suited to use within a script while the "show grants" syntax is better for interactive sessions (more "human readable").

方法 2:

mysql> show grants for 'user'@'host'

方法 3:

You could try this:

SELECT GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE_TYPE FROM information_schema.user_privileges;
SELECT User,Host,Db FROM mysql.db;

方法 4:

You might want to check out mk‑show‑grants from Maatkit, which will output the current set of grants for all users in a canonical form, making version control or replication more straightforward.

方法 5:

If you're already running a web server with PHP then phpMyAdmin is a fairly friendly administrative tool.

(by alanc10nigelkottalanc10nAnitaJon TopperKevin ORourke)


  1. View grants in MySQL (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



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