通過套接字連接發送 GUI/TUI (Sending a GUI/TUI Over a Socket Connection)


通過套接字連接發送 GUI/TUI (Sending a GUI/TUI Over a Socket Connection)

最近我一直在嘗試用 golang 創建一個程序,它在服務器上運行,並接受 telnet 連接。然後我想打開一個 TUI(文本用戶界面),例如一個 curses 菜單(在 golang 的情況下,類似於:termuigocui 等)通過該 telnet 連接。我的問題是,我到底怎麼能做到這一點和/或什至有可能?我嘗試在接受連接時嘗試啟動 TUI,但它只是在服務器端打開它,而不是在 telnet 客戶端。據我所知,沒有簡單的方法通過 telnet 或任何其他套接字 IO 連接發送 TUI。



方法 1:

First, you should note that the example I give is completely insecure (don't expose it over the Internet!) and also doesn't provide for things like signal handling or resizing of the terminal (you may want to consider using SSH instead).

But to answer your question, here is an example of running a TCP server and connecting remote clients to a termui program running in a local PTY (uses both the https://github.com/gizak/termui and https://github.com/kr/pty packages):

package main

import (

    ui "github.com/gizak/termui"

var termuiFlag = flag.Bool("termui", false, "run a termui example")

func main() {

    var err error
    if *termuiFlag {
        err = runTermui()
    } else {
        err = runServer()
    if err != nil {

// runTermui runs the termui "Hello World" example.
func runTermui() error {
    if err := ui.Init(); err != nil {
        return err
    defer ui.Close()

    p := ui.NewParagraph("Hello World!")
    p.Width = 25
    p.Height = 5

    for e := range ui.PollEvents() {
        if e.Type == ui.KeyboardEvent {

    return nil

// runServer listens for TCP connections on a random port and connects
// remote clients to a local PTY running the termui example.
func runServer() error {
    ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer ln.Close()
    log.Printf("Listening for requests on %v", ln.Addr())
    for {
        conn, err := ln.Accept()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        log.Printf("Connecting remote client %v to termui", conn.RemoteAddr())
        go connectTermui(conn)

// connectTermui connects a client connection to a termui process running in a
// PTY.
func connectTermui(conn net.Conn) {
    defer func() {
        log.Printf("Closing remote client %v", conn.RemoteAddr())

    t, err := pty.StartWithSize(
        exec.Command(os.Args[0], "‑‑termui"),
        &pty.Winsize{Cols: 80, Rows: 24},
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error starting termui: %v", err)
    defer t.Close()

    go io.Copy(t, conn)
    io.Copy(conn, t)

Example usage is to run this program in one window and connect to it using nc in another:

$ go run server.go
2019/01/18 01:39:37 Listening for requests on
$ nc 56192

You should see the "Hello world" box (hit enter to disconnect).

(by jsmithlmars)


  1. Sending a GUI/TUI Over a Socket Connection (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#sockets #GO #linux #telnet #tui


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