API 憑證應該存儲在 laravel 中的哪個位置? (Where API credentials should be stored in laravel?)


API 憑證應該存儲在 laravel 中的哪個位置? (Where API credentials should be stored in laravel?)

我們正在為 laravel 開發包,它通過 API 與另一個應用程序交互。目前我們正在緩存中存儲 api 憑據。每當緩存被清除時,連接中斷。我們正在考慮替代方案。這是將這些憑據存儲在數據庫中的好習慣嗎?如果是,它將如何刷新下一個憑據?


方法 1:

I would recommend adding a config file for them which loads them from the .env file. You can largely mimic the database credential infrastructural for this. This allows you to isolate the information in a single file, and keep them out of git completely. It also allows you to modify them per environment if you have a separate endpoint and/or credentials for the api which you can use in local or any uat environments.





return [
  'username' => env('THIRD_PARTY_API_USERNAME', null),
  'password' => env('THIRD_PARTY_API_PASSWORD', null),


$password = config('third_party.password');

方法 2:

I think you should have enough control over your caching mechanism, to ensure when it's cleared, right?

On the other hand, surely you can use a database. Just make a new table where you store at least the key and a timestamp. This way you can always find out how old the key is and just replace it by a new one.

(by user13815476James Clarkwschopohl)


  1. Where API credentials should be stored in laravel? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#API #laravel-5 #Laravel #package


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