將 2 位整數分配給 char 變量 (Assigning a 2 digit integer to a char variable)


將 2 位整數分配給 char 變量 (Assigning a 2 digit integer to a char variable)

我在學校做一個簡單的作業,其中包括將一個兩位整數 (<100) 分配給一個 char 變量。我正在使用 Xcode 9.2。我應該能夠做到這一點,Xcode 沒有抱怨。然而,當我嘗試將變量 cout 到控制台時,它返回 _ 代替變量

This on a .cpp 文件在一個普通的 命令行工具 項目中。

    char desired_score;
    desired_score = 95;

    cout << "I will work hard to get a grade of " << desired_score << " in this course!\n";


I will work hard to get a grade of _ in this course!

如果我將值分配給單個數字,它輸出就好了。所以我能夠編寫一個解決方法,我只需將變量值從 '9' 重新分配給 '5' 並使用兩個不同的 cout 語句.

有人知道為什麼會這樣嗎?這是家庭作業的一部分,我的教科書說這在 C++ 中應該是可能的。這是 Xcode 的特性嗎?



方法 1:

When you write a char to a stream, it's assumed that you wish to write an actual character instead of its integer value. To output an integer, cast it instead:

cout << "I will work hard to get a grade of "
     << static_cast<int>(desired_score)
     << " in this course!\n";

方法 2:

The reason this is happening is because the ascii code for _ (underscore) is 95. A simple fix would be to use either a string, an int, or a short instead of a char.

Edit: It works for single digits because you used a character literal, NOT because characters are also bytes in c++. That was my mistake.

(by MagicGATpaddyAggs123)


  1. Assigning a 2 digit integer to a char variable (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#XCode #C++ #char


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