通過 smtp 從安裝為 azure 中的 IaaS 的服務器發送電子郵件 (sending emails via smtp from a server installed as IaaS in azure)


通過 smtp 從安裝為 azure 中的 IaaS 的服務器發送電子郵件 (sending emails via smtp from a server installed as IaaS in azure)

我在 azure 上安裝了許多應用服務器(cyber‑ark、SIEM 解決方案、forti Gate 等)作為 IaaS。

所有這些服務器都連接到 smtp 服務器,以便通過郵件發送通知.

在我的 Prem 部署中,這不是問題,但在 azure 上,所有 smtp 通信似乎都被阻止了。

我創建了一個 send‑grid 帳戶並嘗試使用它,但是發送網格 smtp 服務器也被阻止了。


我需要一個 smtp 服務器來與我的應用程序集成。 . 我該怎麼辦?



方法 1:

Depends on your type of subscription, pay‑as‑you‑go if you want the ability to send email from Azure VMs directly to external email providers (not using an authenticated SMTP relay), you can make a request to remove the restriction. Requests will be reviewed and approved at Microsoft's discretion, and they'll be granted only after additional anti‑fraud checks are made. To make a request, open a support case by using the following issue type: Technical > Virtual Network > Connectivity > Cannot send email (SMTP/Port 25). Make sure that you add details about why your deployment has to send mail directly to mail providers instead of using an authenticated relay. More details

(by David GidonyTaguada)


  1. sending emails via smtp from a server installed as IaaS in azure (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#azure #email #sendgrid #integration #smtp


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