Flutter - 使用收到的每條消息通知的實時消息應用程序的最佳方式? (Flutter - Best way to do real-time messaging app with notifications per received message?)


Flutter ‑ 使用收到的每條消息通知的實時消息應用程序的最佳方式? (Flutter ‑ Best way to do real‑time messaging app with notifications per received message?)

我已經使用 Firestore 製作了一個 Flutter 消息應用程序,該應用程序通過為每個用戶提供收到的消息列表並在每次更新此列表時觸發一個函數並使用 StreamBuilder 顯示它。這不是聊天應用。這是一個單消息發送應用程序,但我希望它能夠實時工作。




方法 1:


Seems working very well with firebase.

(by Ismaeil GhouneimNqbraL)


  1. Flutter ‑ Best way to do real‑time messaging app with notifications per received message? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#messaging #real-time #Flutter #google-cloud-firestore


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Flutter - 使用收到的每條消息通知的實時消息應用程序的最佳方式? (Flutter - Best way to do real-time messaging app with notifications per received message?)
