如果這個變量在調用之間發生了變化,為什麼匿名函數的固定參數沒有更新? (Why is fixed argument of anonymous function not updated, if this variable has changed between calls?)


如果這個變量在調用之間發生了變化,為什麼匿名函數的固定參數沒有更新? (Why is fixed argument of anonymous function not updated, if this variable has changed between calls?)

開發一個優化腳本,我意識到 Matlab 並沒有像我預期的那樣處理匿名函數的輔助參數。

考慮這個簡單的 MWE:

%% Define basic parameters
daysTotal       = 3;
hoursTotal      = daysTotal*24;
nhi             = 4;        % Third argument, does not change.
intervalsTotal  = hoursTotal*nhi;
q_in_mean       = 0.82;

% Original definition of var2
var2            = zeros(hoursTotal, 1);
var2(2:2:end)   = 1;        % Second argument, does change!

var1_initial = var2.*q_in_mean/12; % Initial version of first argument

%% Define anonymous function
objFun          = @(var1) objFunModel(var1, var2, nhi);

%% Call objFun for the first time
objFun(var1_initial); % Result of sum(var2) = 36, which is correct.

%% Change var2
var2            = zeros(hoursTotal, 1);
var2(4:4:end)   = 1;

%% Call objFun again
objFun(var1_initial); % Result of sum(var2) is still 36 inside objFunModel
sum(var2) % Actual value of sum(var2) = 18 after change!

%% Separate functions
function varStd = objFunModel(var1, var2, nhi)
    varRes  = cumsum(2*var1 ‑ 0.12*var2);
    varStd  = std(varRes);

雖然 var2 在兩個函數調用之間發生了變化,它是 not 更新的,正如您在終端輸出中看到的那樣。這是預期的行為,還是錯誤?如果是前者,我該怎麼做才能強制 var2objFunModel 內更新?重新定義匿名函數?


方法 1:

When you create an anonymous function, the variables that are not in the parenthesis following the @ (var2 and nhi in your example), are passed by value, not by reference. Thus, MATLAB has no way of knowing that the variable changed.

(by winkmalJAC)


  1. Why is fixed argument of anonymous function not updated, if this variable has changed between calls? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#matlab #anonymous-function


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