如果日期較新,則將日期從一個數據幀替換為另一個數據幀 (Replace date from one dataframe to another if it's newer)


如果日期較新,則將日期從一個數據幀替換為另一個數據幀 (Replace date from one dataframe to another if it's newer)




Unit Number    Date         Score
SAH‑459        1/24/2019    0.951
SAH‑450        2/3/2019     0.852
SAH‑399        10/5/2019    0.354


Unit Number    ActualDate
SAH‑459        1/30/2019
SAH‑450        2/3/2019
SAH‑399        9/28/2019

所以我只想從 SAH‑459 更新到 2019 年 1 月 30 日的日期,因為它更新了


unitlist = df1['Unit Number'].unique()    #gets array with unique Unit Numbers

for unit in unitlist:
    date1 = df1.loc[df1['Unit Number'] == unit, 'Date'].values
    date2 = df2.loc[df2['Unit number'] == unit, 'ActualDate].values

    if date2 > date1:
        df1.at[[unit],'Date'] = date2


"None of [Index(['SAH‑459'], dtype='object')] are in the [index]"

我必須說兩個數據幀的唯一單元列表不一樣。從 df1 到 df2 可能缺少一些單位,反之亦然。



方法 1:

Case 1: same units in both dataframes Let's first create the 2 dataframes with:

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
        "Unit_Number": ["SAH‑459", "SAH‑450", "SAH‑399"],
        "Date": ["1/24/2019", "2/3/2019", "10/5/2019"],
        "Score": [0.951, 0.852, 0.354],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
        "Unit_Number": ["SAH‑459", "SAH‑450", "SAH‑399"],
        "ActualDate": ["1/30/2019", "2/3/2019", "9/28/2019"],

In order to do the update you should set Unit_Number as the index and transform the dates columns to datetime with:

# Set index
df1 = df1.set_index("Unit_Number")
df2 = df2.set_index("Unit_Number")

# Transform to date
df1["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df1["Date"])
df2["ActualDate"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["ActualDate"])

So now you can create a filter of which units have a date in df2 that is greater than the date in df1 and use it to update the dates of those units in df1 with:

mfilter = df2["ActualDate"] > df1["Date"]
df1.loc[mfilter, "Date"] = df2.loc[mfilter, "ActualDate"]

This will work if both dataframes have the same units and in the same order.

And if you need it you can reset the indexs after doing this update with:

df1 = df1.reset_index()
df2 = df2.reset_index()

Case 2: different units in both dataframes

Let's add more units to test this case:

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
        "Unit_Number": ["SAH‑459", "SAH‑450", "SAH‑399", "SAH‑777"],
        "Date": ["1/24/2019", "2/3/2019", "10/5/2019", "4/29/2019"],
        "Score": [0.951, 0.852, 0.354, 0.982],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
        "Unit_Number": ["SAH‑459", "SAH‑450", "SAH‑399", "SAH‑999"],
        "ActualDate": ["1/30/2019", "2/3/2019", "9/28/2019", "1/12/2019"],

You will need to do the same:

df1 = df1.set_index("Unit_Number")
df2 = df2.set_index("Unit_Number")

# Transform to date
df1["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df1["Date"])
df2["ActualDate"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["ActualDate"])

They key is to reindex mfilter using the index from df1 and then reindex mfilter in df2.loc:

mfilter = df2["ActualDate"].reindex(df1.index) > df1["Date"]
df1.loc[mfilter, "Date"] = df2.loc[mfilter.reindex(df2.index).fillna(False), "ActualDate"]

This will always work

(by adrianvilloro)


  1. Replace date from one dataframe to another if it's newer (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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