為什麼在使用 axios.post 時我的頁面上有一個 OBJECT PROMISE (Why i have a OBJECT PROMISE on my page when using axios.post)


為什麼在使用 axios.post 時我的頁面上有一個 OBJECT PROMISE (Why i have a OBJECT PROMISE on my page when using axios.post)

我嘗試將 axios 後查詢的結果放入 dom:

 <v‑btn fab color="#00C3EA" top right absolute class="white‑‑text">
                            {{ getRating(tutor) }}


async getRating(tutor) {
      let rating=0
      let lang = ''
      if (!this.language) {
         lang = this.$route.query.lang
      } else {
         lang = this.language
      const rat = await this.$axios.$post('/tutors/getTutorRating.php', '{"tutor_id": '+tutor.id+', "lang": "'+lang+'"}').then((responce)=>{
        rating = responce.average_rating
      return rating

在控制台日誌中我有一個數字結果查詢,在頁面中我有 [object promise] 我必須做些什麼來解決它?


方法 1:

EDIT: here is a hosted codesandbox of an axios post working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/axios‑post‑example‑jg4yc?file=/src/App.vue

Following by the actual snippet

async testJsonPlaceholder() {
  const json = await this.axios.post(
      title: "foo",
      body: "bar",
      userId: 1,
      headers: {
        "Content‑type": "application/json; charset=UTF‑8",
  console.log("json", json.data);
  return json.data;

Depending of what your API is doing, this kind of code should work fine.
I've also written an example of how a basic post to JSONplaceholder work in testJsonPlaceholder method (even if it's using fetch, it's pretty much the same thing, just remove the json() part).

export default {
  methods: {
    async getRating(tutor) {
      let lang = ''
      if (!this.language) {
        lang = this.$route.query.lang
      } else {
        lang = this.language
      const response = await this.$axios.$post(
        JSON.stringify({ tutor_id: tutor.id, lang }),

      const result = response.average_rating
      console.log("rating's value here", result)
      return result

    // the one below is 100% working
    async testJsonPlaceholder() {
      const response = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify({
          title: 'foo',
          body: 'bar',
          userId: 1,
        headers: {
          'Content‑type': 'application/json; charset=UTF‑8',

      const json = await response.json()
      console.log('json', json)
      return json

I've also changed the kind of string interpolation with a stringify (nvm, axios does it by itself apparently: https://github.com/axios/axios#request‑config), doing the same stuff but easier to read.
If you don't want it, at least use Template Litterals (es6) to have something easy to interpolate like

`this is a simple string, but it's interpolated just here >> ${interpolatedHere} !` 

Also, inspecting your network tab can help finding out where the issue is coming from !

(by Александр Пахомовkissu)


  1. Why i have a OBJECT PROMISE on my page when using axios.post (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Axios #Vue.js #Promise #nuxt.js


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