搜索條件的mongodb map reduce (mongodb map reduce for search criteria)


搜索條件的mongodb map reduce (mongodb map reduce for search criteria)

我有一個包含名為 searchTerms 的字段的 mongo 文檔。這是一個包含單詞的數組 例如 ["term1","term2", "term3","term4"]

我想編寫一個按相關性返回文檔的函數。這意味著在 searchCriteria 中搜索詞最多的文檔首先緊隨其後,其次是數量最多的詞等。



   {"_id":"1", "searchTerms":["a","b","c","d"]}
   {"_id":"2", "searchTerms":["a","b","x","q"]}
   {"_id":"3", "searchTerms":["a","e","x","n"]}
   {"_id":"4", "searchTerms":["e","f","g","z"]}

For搜索條件:["a","b","c"] 結果應該是:

{"_id":"1", "searchTerms":["a","b","c","d"]}
{"_id":"2", "searchTerms":["a","b","x","q"]}
{"_id":"3", "searchTerms":["a","e","x","n"]}

我已經編寫了一個函數來執行此操作,但是它非常複雜並且我認為效率低下。我正在閱讀有關 map reduce 的內容,並想知道它在這種情況下是否有幫助?我絞盡腦汁想辦法解決這個問題。我不確定它是否可以?如果是,有人可以告訴我它是如何工作的嗎?


方法 1:

A simple set operator will suffice. Use $setIntersection for comparsion with input array and $project $size of intersected array. $sort on size descending and project the final response.

    "$project": {
        "fields" : "$$ROOT",
        "matches": {
            "$size": {
                "$setIntersection": [
                    "$searchTerms", ["a", "b"]
}, {
    "$sort": {
        "matches": ‑1

(by johhny Bs7vr)


  1. mongodb map reduce for search criteria (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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