按存儲在文本列中的日期排序表 (Order table by date stored in text column)


按存儲在文本列中的日期排序表 (Order table by date stored in text column)

我有應用程序並在 SQLite 上存儲了一些數據。我有一個名為 date 的列並存儲字符串數據格式,例如:

30.12.2018 ‑ some data 01.01.2019 ‑ some data 31.12.2018 ‑ some data
02.01.2019 ‑ 一些數據

但是當我想SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY date 時,這不能正常工作。我可以根據正確的日期順序訂購此表而不更改日期格式嗎?

例如,當我使用 SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY date 時,所需的結果:

02.01.2019 ‑ 一些數據 01.01.2019 ‑ 一些數據 31.12.2018 ‑ 一些數據 30.12.2018 ‑ 一些數據


方法 1:

You must change the format of this column in order to avoid situations
where you need statements like this:

select * from mytable 
order by 
substr(date, 7, 4) || substr(date, 4, 2) || substr(date, 1, 2) || substr(date, instr(date, '‑')) desc

This part:

substr(date, 7, 4) || substr(date, 4, 2) || substr(date, 1, 2)

rearranges the date to YYYYMMDD so it's comparable and can be sorted.

(by androidMan.forpas)


  1. Order table by date stored in text column (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#sql-order-by #Date #Android #sqlite


如果提到,按特定值自定義 SQL 記錄集順序 (Customize SQL recordset order by specific value (s) if mentioned)

SQL Server 中的 OrderBy 將正值放在負值之前 (OrderBy in SQL Server to put positive values before negative values)

Đếm từ hai bảng và sắp xếp nó theo số lượng SQL tồn tại (Count from two tables and sort it out by the number of exist SQL)

按組中的最大值排序 (Order by the max value in the group)

.net中的SQLite中不區分大小寫的順序 (case insensitive order by in SQLite in .net)


為 MySQL 選擇查詢自定義 order by (Customize order by for MySQL select query)

如何從 MySQL 表中檢索 10 個最新的 DISTINCT IP? (How to retrieve 10 latest DISTINCT IP's from a MySQL table?)

按存儲在文本列中的日期排序表 (Order table by date stored in text column)

如何在 JavaScript 中對對象集合進行自然排序? (How to natural-sort a collection of objects in JavaScript?)

在 Postgres 中通過 json 數組(存儲為 jsonb)中的鍵對錶進行排序 (Order a table by a key in an array of json (stored as jsonb) in Postgres)

添加 row_number() 時 Oracle 值發生變化 (Oracle values change when row_number() added)
