Windows 批處理腳本:Findstr 輸出:過濾子字符串 (Windows batch script : Findstr output : Filter substring)


Windows 批處理腳本:Findstr 輸出:過濾子字符串 (Windows batch script : Findstr output : Filter substring)


C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Dell\"Command Configure"\X86_64\cctk advsm ‑‑report=All | findstr /c:"Current speed" >> %LOG_FILE_NAME%


Current speed                : 3101 rpm

我只需要實際值“3101” 不是整條線。我怎樣才能得到這個?


方法 1:

for loops are used for this:

for /f "tokens=3* delims=: " %%i in ('"%programfiles(x86)%\Dell\Command Configure\X86_64\cctk" advsm ‑‑report=All ^| findstr "Current speed"') do (echo %%i)>>%LOG_FILE_NAME%

方法 2:

Untested idea, but perhaps it would be simpler still if you just report the value you want in the first place!

@For /F "Tokens=4" %%G In ('^""%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Dell\Command Configure\x86_64\cctk.exe" Advsm ‑‑Report^=C^"') Do >>"%LOG_FILE_NAME%" @Echo %%G

If C doesn't output what you want then you'd have to use Report=All and search for your line. You can use find.exe for that:

@For /F "Tokens=4" %%G In ('^""%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Dell\Command Configure\x86_64\cctk.exe" Advsm ‑‑Report^=All ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe "Current speed"^"') Do >>"%LOG_FILE_NAME%" @Echo %%G

(by vibhash jhaGerhardCompo)


  1. Windows batch script : Findstr output : Filter substring (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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