使用 node.js 從谷歌云存儲中刪除多個對象 (Delete multiple objects fron google cloud storage using node.js)


使用 node.js 從谷歌云存儲中刪除多個對象 (Delete multiple objects fron google cloud storage using node.js)



var gcloud = require('gcloud')({
  projectId: "sampleProject1"
var gcs = gcloud.storage();
var myBucket = gcs.bucket('sampleBucket1');
var file = myBucket.file('1.png');

file.delete(function (err, apiResponse) {
  if (err) {
  else {
    console.log("Deleted successfully");



方法 1:

We do have bucket#deleteFiles that will handle throttling the requests for you. You can use the prefix option to target multiple images by a naming convention, like:

bucket.deleteFiles({ prefix: 'image‑' }, callback);

If that doesn't work, we also have a guide that shows how you can do the throttling logic yourself. See "My requests are returning errors instructing me to retry the request": https://googlecloudplatform.github.io/gcloud‑node/#/docs/v0.29.0/guides/troubleshooting

Edit to elaborate on how to do the throttling using async:

var async = require('async');

function deleteFile(file, callback) {

async.eachLimit(filesToDelete, PARALLEL_LIMIT, deleteFile, function(err) {
  if (!err) {
    // Files deleted!

方法 2:

There is no way to atomically delete multiple objects from GCS at the same time.

However, you can issue multiple requests with a single call, which returns the status of each individual operation, using the batch API.

方法 3:

I created an array of all the objects that I wanted to delete and then iterated over the array, executing the "delete" function specified on the google cloud storage documentation.

Delete GCS object

const storage = new Storage({keyFilename: 'google‑credentials.json'});
const imagesToDelete = ['fileName1', 'fileName2', 'fileName3'];

    imagesToDelete.map(async (image) => {
      await storage

(by Abdul ManafStephenjterraceKauã Steliano)


  1. Delete multiple objects fron google cloud storage using node.js (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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