Праблема з заявай аб абнаўленні Java (Java Update statement issue)
I am trying to update the SSN for a customer by searching for them based on the old SSN then updating it. What am I missing? This will not return a result even though i know i have matches for ssNum in the database. Thanks.
String query = "UPDATE Customers SET ss_num = ('" + updateSsn
+ "') WHERE ss_num = ('" + ssNum + "')";
方法 1:
That type of query is unsafe (vulnerable to SQL injection). Write your query as follows and use PreparedStatement
String query = "UPDATE Customers SET ss_num = ? WHERE ss_num = ?";
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query);
ps.setString(1, updateSsn);
ps.setString(2, ssnNum);
方法 2:
you need to use executeUpdate()
method, which doesn't return ResultSet
, but it will return numberOfRowsUpdated
Use PreparedStatement
(by Gluons、Bhesh Gurung、jmj)