變量被評估為任何東西 (Variable Being Evaluated as Anything)


變量被評估為任何東西 (Variable Being Evaluated as Anything)


def start (): # This runs when the program starts 
    print("THE LAST RANGER")
    print ("Type Start to Begin")
    print ("Type About for Credits")
    print ("Type Help for Instructions")

def Waking_up(): # This should run when the user enters "Start"
    print ("SIR... Sir. We need to get you out of here, come on.")

def About(): #This should run when the user enters "About"
    print ("Welcome to THE LAST RANGER created by Michael Frazer.")
    #add more to this at some point

def Help(): #This should run when the user enters "Help"
    print ("This is the help menu")

def prompt_start(): #This function takes the users input
    global input_0
    input_0 = input()

start () #This runs the "start" function defined in the first lines       

if input_0 == "Start" or "start": #These should evaluate the users input
    Waking_up ()
elif input_0 == "About" or "about":
    About ()
elif input_0 == "Help" or "help":
    Help ()
    print ("Enter Valid Command")


if input_0 == "Start" or "start": #These should evaluate the users input
    Waking_up () 

即使輸入不等於“Start”,也會運行“Waking_up”函數。如果用戶輸入“Help”之類的內容,程序似乎認為“Help”等於“Start”並運行喚醒功能。我試過和 3 個朋友一起調試這個,我們都沒有主意。感謝您的幫助。


方法 1:

"start" is evaluating to true because you don't have the full expression. Try:

if input_0 == "Start" or input_0 == "start": #These should evaluate the users input
    Waking_up ()

方法 2:

Just change the following:

if input_0 == "Start" or input_0 == "start":
    Waking_up ()
elif input_0 == "About" or input_0 =="about":
    About ()
elif input_0 == "Help" or input_0 == "help":
    Help ()
    print ("Enter Valid Command")

This will work as you want and will only evaluate the corresponding input(s) instead of "Start" all the time.

Depending on what you're doing with the program, consider filtering the user's input as well (such as converting the input string to .lower() and only have your if/elif/else commands accept lowercase input ‑‑ may save you some time. Just a suggestion from a fellow python newbie.

(by Michael FrazerRyanSludge)


  1. Variable Being Evaluated as Anything (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Variables #python-3.x


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