通過 Nginx 進行 Haproxy 身份驗證 (Haproxy authentication through Nginx)


通過 Nginx 進行 Haproxy 身份驗證 (Haproxy authentication through Nginx)

我很難嘗試通過 Haproxy 從 Nginx 進行身份驗證以進行負載平衡。我分別為 haproxy.cfg 和 nginx.conf 編寫了配置,如下所示。Haproxy 在我的 nginx 服務器前面。當我點擊 haproxy 服務器時,我能夠得到用戶名和密碼的提示,但是在填寫用戶名和密碼後按回車時,它返回“403 Forbidden”。作為網頁上的響應。

有誰知道 haproxy.cfg 的正確配置設置是什麼?或者也許是一個解決方案?提前致謝!!


        maxconn 256

        mode tcp
        timeout connect 5000ms
        timeout client 50000ms
        timeout server 50000ms

    frontend http‑in
        bind *:80
        default_backend servers

    backend servers
        balance roundrobin
        server server1 http://mynginx.test.com:9090 maxconn 32


   location /myapp {
    auth_gss on;
    auth_gss_allow_basic_fallback off
    auth_gss_keytab /etc/krb5.keytab


方法 1:

Found the solution. The reason for the 403 forbidden error is because of my keytab. I need to regenerate a new one use by the haproxy instead of nginx. However, I'm getting 'Access‑Control‑Allow‑Origin'. Could anybody enlighten?

(by jxStackOverflowjxStackOverflow)


  1. Haproxy authentication through Nginx (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#authentication #kerberos #nginx #reverse-proxy #haproxy


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