如何讓 <asp:menu> 在 Safari 中工作? (How can I get <asp:menu> working in Safari?)


如何讓 asp:menu 在 Safari 中工作? (How can I get asp:menu working in Safari?)

在 safari 瀏覽器上,標準的 根本渲染不好。如何解決這個問題?


方法 1:

Thanks for the advice, it led me into the following solution;

I created a file named "safari.browser" and placed it in the App_Browsers directory. The content of this file is shown below;

    <browser refID="safari1plus">
            <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu" adapterType="" />

As I understand it, this tells ASP.NET not to use the adaptor it would normally use to render the control content and instead use uplevel rendering.

方法 2:

You can use ControlAdapters to alter the rendering of server controls.

Here's an example: http://www.pluralsight.com/community/blogs/fritz/archive/2007/03/27/46598.aspx

Though, in my opinion it might be equal amount of work to abandon the menu control for a pure css one (available on many sites).

方法 3:

Oooof ‑ was hoping it would be a simmple case of adding a browserCaps item in web.config with appropriate values or similar...

方法 4:

The best and simplest solution I've found for this problem is to include this bit of code in your page_load event.

if (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("AppleWebKit") > 0)

(by deepcode.co.ukdeepcode.co.ukBen Scheirmandeepcode.co.ukjonezy)


  1. How can I get asp:menu working in Safari? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#safari #aspmenu


如何讓 <asp:menu> 在 Safari 中工作? (How can I get <asp:menu> working in Safari?)

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