狀態列表可繪製在預蜂窩版本上無法正常工作 (State list drawable not working properly on pre-honeycomb versions)


狀態列表可繪製在預蜂窩版本上無法正常工作 (State list drawable not working properly on pre-honeycomb versions)

I'm making an application with checklists that primarily targets Android 4.0. There I use this selector as the background of my list item:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    android:drawable="@drawable/checklist_selector_pressed" />

    android:drawable="@drawable/checklist_selector_focused" />

    android:drawable="@drawable/checklist_selector_selected" />

    android:drawable="@android:color/transparent" />

"state_activated" seems to do the trick as the checked items do not stay visibly checked if I take that selector away. However, this only works on post-Honeycomb versions. Anything before that ignores state_activated (or state_checked and state_selected) and only accepts state_pressed (the lines color themselves when I touch them but do not stay colored afterwards). This is really confusing to me so I would appreciate any advice on the matter.



方法 1:

The android:state_activated attribute does not exist prior to Honeycomb. I suggest that you maintain two versions of the drawable: a default version in res/drawable that does not reference android:state_activated (or any other states that were introduced in Honeycomb) and a Honeycomb-and-later version in res/drawable-v11 that does.

(by GigenTed Hopp)


  1. State list drawable not working properly on pre-honeycomb versions (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

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