是否可以在單個 Azure 項目中同時使用 New Relic 和 Azure Application Insights? (Is it possible to use both New Relic and Azure Application Insights together in single Azure project?)


是否可以在單個 Azure 項目中同時使用 New Relic 和 Azure Application Insights? (Is it possible to use both New Relic and Azure Application Insights together in single Azure project?)

當我發布包含依賴項的 Insights 雲服務時,我的新遺物似乎停止工作,我想知道為什麼會發生這種情況,因為我沒有更改新遺物設置的任何內容。我剛剛在 CSDEF 文件下添加了新的啟動任務,如下所示:https://azure.microsoft.com/en‑gb/documentation/articles/app‑insights‑cloudservices/#dependencies



方法 1:

Startup task that you've added installs AI Status Monitor that adds/modifies a registry entry 'COR_PROFILER' under the 'environment' key in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC. I believe that New Relic might rely on the same entry being set to a different GUID (NewRelic's profiler GUID, not AI GUID). Hence, whoever sets this setting the last to its own ID wins the "competition"...

If you skip the step to enable AI Dependency collection, they (NR and AI) might actually work together, but I never tried it myself.

(by erincerolDmitry Matveev)


  1. Is it possible to use both New Relic and Azure Application Insights together in single Azure project? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#azure #newrelic #azure-application-insights


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