如何將文本框的borderBrush屬性綁定到viewmodel中的屬性,類型轉換錯誤 (How to bind the borderBrush property of a textbox to a property in viewmodel, type conversion error)


如何將文本框的borderBrush屬性綁定到viewmodel中的屬性,類型轉換錯誤 (How to bind the borderBrush property of a textbox to a property in viewmodel, type conversion error)

I have a textbox in xaml with a borderbrush property as follows:

<textbox BorderBrush="{Binding MyBrush}" />

inside view model I have defind the property

public System.Windows.Media.Brushes MyBrush {get;set;}

but I cannot set a value to this property

void method()
 MyBrush = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red;

the compiler error is : cannot implicitly convert type System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush to System.Windows.Media.Brushes


方法 1:


public System.Windows.Media.Brushes MyBrush {get;set;}


public System.Windows.Media.Brush MyBrush {get;set;}

方法 2:

Brushes is a static class containing pre-defined brush instances.

The type of your property should be Brush

方法 3:

You should use INotifyPropertyChanged. The code like :

private System.Windows.Media.Brush _myBrush
public System.Windows.Media.Brush MyBrush {
    get { return _myBrush; }
    set {
        if(value != _myBrush) {
            _myBrush = value;

protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
    // ....

(by user848609maxIsak Savoguangboo)


  1. How to bind the borderBrush property of a textbox to a property in viewmodel, type conversion error (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

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如何將文本框的borderBrush屬性綁定到viewmodel中的屬性,類型轉換錯誤 (How to bind the borderBrush property of a textbox to a property in viewmodel, type conversion error)
