使用 MPI_Isend 時出現分段錯誤 (Segmentation Fault when using MPI_Isend)


使用 MPI_Isend 時出現分段錯誤 (Segmentation Fault when using MPI_Isend)

我的程序的目的是計算內部導體和外部導體之間的靜電勢,方法是將其分成網格,然後分成網格切片。每個處理器獲得一個切片並在每個切片上運行計算。我使用 MPI_Isend 和 MPI_Irecv 在處理器之間發送數據。測試代碼時出現分段錯誤:

[physnode5:81440] *** Process received signal ***
[physnode5:81440] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[physnode5:81440] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[physnode5:81440] Failing at address: 0x58
[physnode5:81440] [ 0] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0xf5d0)[0x2ab8069df5d0]
[physnode5:81440] [ 1] /opt/yarcc/libraries/openmpi/2.1.0/1/default/lib/libmpi.so.20(ompi_request_default_wait+0xd)[0x2ab8066495ed]
[physnode5:81440] [ 2] /opt/yarcc/libraries/openmpi/2.1.0/1/default/lib/libmpi.so.20(MPI_Wait+0x5d)[0x2ab80667a00d]
[physnode5:81440] [ 3] ./mpi_tezt.exe[0x400ffc]
[physnode5:81440] [ 4] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5)[0x2ab806c0e3d5]
[physnode5:81440] [ 5] ./mpi_tezt.exe[0x4009b9]
[physnode5:81440] *** End of error message ***

當執行這段代碼時。請不要我已經 ssh 到一個集群。文件名是 mpi_tezt.exe(是的,我拼錯了)。我檢查了我要發送的數組是否正確分配,並且發送和接收沒有發送或接收不存在的數據(即發送超出數組範圍的數據。我的 MPI_Isend 和 MPI_Irecv 代碼如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  /*MPI Specific Variables*/
  int my_size, my_rank, up, down;
  MPI_Request reqU, reqD, sreqU, sreqD;
  MPI_Status rUstatus, rDstatus, sUstatus, sDstatus;

   /*Physical Dimensions*/
  double Linner = 5.0;/*mm*/
  double Rinner = 1.0;/*mm*/
  double phi_0 = 1000.0;/*V*/

  /*Other Variables*/
  int grid_size = 100;
  int slice;
  int x,y;
  double grid_res_y = 0.2;
  double grid_res_x = 0.1;
  int xboundary, yboundary;

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_size);

  /*Determining neighbours*/
  if (my_rank != 0) /*if statemets used to stop highest and lowest rank neighbours arent outside 0 ‑ my_size‑1 range of ranks*/
      up = my_rank‑1;
      up = 0;

  if(my_rank != my_size‑1)
      down = my_rank+1;
      down = my_size‑1;

  /*cross‑check: presumed my_size is a factor of gridsize else there are odd sized slices and this is not coded for*/
  if (grid_size%my_size != 0)
      printf("ERROR ‑ number of procs =  %d, this is not a factor of grid_size %d\n", my_size, grid_size);

  /*Set Up Distributed Data Approach*/
  slice = grid_size/my_size;

  yboundary = Linner/grid_res_y; /*y grid index of inner conductor wall*/ 
  xboundary = Rinner/grid_res_x; /*x grid and individual array index of inner conductor wall*/

  double phi[slice+2][grid_size]; /*extra 2 rows to allow for halo data*/

  for (y=0; y < slice+2; y++)
      for (x=0; x < grid_size; x++)
          phi[y][x] = 0.0;

  if(my_rank == 0) /*Boundary Containing rank does 2 loops. One over part with inner conductor and one over part without inner conductor*/
      for(y=0; y < slice+1; y++)
          for(x=xboundary; x < grid_size; x++)
              phi[y][x] = phi_0;

  if (my_rank < my_size‑1)
      /*send top most strip up one node to be recieved as bottom halo*/
      MPI_Isend(&phi[1][0], grid_size  , MPI_DOUBLE, down, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sreqU);  
      /*recv top halo from up one node*/
      MPI_Irecv(&phi[slice+1][0], grid_size, MPI_DOUBLE, down, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqU);

  if (my_rank > 0)
      /*recv top halo from down one node*/
      MPI_Irecv(&phi[0][0], grid_size , MPI_DOUBLE, up, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqD);
      /*send bottom most strip down one node to be recieved as top halo*/
      MPI_Isend(&phi[slice][0], grid_size , MPI_DOUBLE, up, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sreqD);

  if (my_rank<my_size‑1)
      /*Wait for send to down one rank to complete*/
      MPI_Wait(&sreqD, &sDstatus);
      /*Wait for recieve from up one rank to complete*/
      MPI_Wait(&reqD, &rDstatus);

  if (my_rank>0)
      /*Wait for send to up down one rank to complete*/
      MPI_Wait(&sreqU, &sUstatus);
      /*Wait for recieve from down one rank to complete*/
      MPI_Wait(&reqU, &rUstatus);


  return 0;


方法 1:

You're faulting in the first MPI_Wait (for rank 0). This is step 7 in the example code below.

Using mpirun ‑np 2 ./whatever:

It appears that sReqD is not being set correctly. This is set at step 5 by rank 1.

But, step 7 is being executed by rank 0, which does not set sReqD.

So, you need to adjust your if statements to match up correctly for which rank does which MPI_Wait, etc.

Here is your code with some debug printf statements:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <mpi.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* MPI Specific Variables */
    int my_size,
    MPI_Request reqU,
    MPI_Status rUstatus,

    /* Physical Dimensions */
    double Linner = 5.0;                /* mm */
    double Rinner = 1.0;                /* mm */
    double phi_0 = 1000.0;

        /* Other Variables */
    int grid_size = 100;
    int slice;
    int x,
    double grid_res_y = 0.2;
    double grid_res_x = 0.1;

    int xboundary,

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_size);

    /* Determining neighbours */
    /* if statemets used to stop highest and lowest rank neighbours arent
    outside 0 ‑ my_size‑1 range of ranks */
    if (my_rank != 0) {
        up = my_rank ‑ 1;
    else {
        up = 0;

    if (my_rank != my_size ‑ 1) {
        down = my_rank + 1;
    else {
        down = my_size ‑ 1;

    printf("my_rank=%d my_size=%d up=%d down=%d\n",my_rank,my_size,up,down);

    /* cross‑check: presumed my_size is a factor of gridsize else there are
    odd sized slices and this is not coded for */
    if (grid_size % my_size != 0) {
        printf("ERROR ‑ number of procs =  %d, this is not a factor of grid_size %d\n", my_size, grid_size);

    /* Set Up Distributed Data Approach */
    slice = grid_size / my_size;

    /* y grid index of inner conductor wall */
    yboundary = Linner / grid_res_y;
    /* x grid and individual array index of inner conductor wall */
    xboundary = Rinner / grid_res_x;

    if (my_rank == 0) {
        printf("Linner=%g grid_res_y=%g yboundary=%d\n",
        printf("Rinner=%g grid_res_x=%g xboundary=%d\n",
        printf("slice=%d grid_size=%d phi=%ld\n",
            slice,grid_size,sizeof(double) * (slice + 2) * grid_size);

    /* extra 2 rows to allow for halo data */
    double phi[slice + 2][grid_size];

    for (y = 0; y < slice + 2; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < grid_size; x++) {
            phi[y][x] = 0.0;

    /* Boundary Containing rank does 2 loops. One over part with inner
    conductor and one over part without inner conductor */
    if (my_rank == 0) {
        for (y = 0; y < slice + 1; y++) {
            for (x = xboundary; x < grid_size; x++) {
                phi[y][x] = phi_0;

    if (my_rank < my_size ‑ 1) {
        /* send top most strip up one node to be recieved as bottom halo */
        printf("1: my_rank=%d MPI_Isend\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Isend(&phi[1][0], grid_size, MPI_DOUBLE, down, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD,

        /* recv top halo from up one node */
        printf("2: my_rank=%d MPI_Irecv\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Irecv(&phi[slice + 1][0], grid_size, MPI_DOUBLE, down, 2,
            MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqU);

        printf("3: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);

    if (my_rank > 0) {
        /* recv top halo from down one node */
        printf("4: my_rank=%d MPI_Irecv\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Irecv(&phi[0][0], grid_size, MPI_DOUBLE, up, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD,

        /* send bottom most strip down one node to be recieved as top halo */
        printf("5: my_rank=%d MPI_Isend\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Isend(&phi[slice][0], grid_size, MPI_DOUBLE, up, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD,

        printf("6: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);

    if (my_rank < my_size ‑ 1) {
        /* Wait for send to down one rank to complete */
        printf("7: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Wait(&sreqD, &sDstatus);
        printf("8: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);

        /* Wait for recieve from up one rank to complete */
        printf("9: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Wait(&reqD, &rDstatus);
        printf("10: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);

    if (my_rank > 0) {
        /* Wait for send to up down one rank to complete */
        printf("11: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Wait(&sreqU, &sUstatus);
        printf("12: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);

        /* Wait for recieve from down one rank to complete */
        printf("12: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);
        MPI_Wait(&reqU, &rUstatus);
        printf("13: my_rank=%d\n",my_rank);


    return 0;

Here is the output. Notice that step 7 prints (which is before the first MPI_Wait for rank 0). But, rank 0 never gets to step 8 (the printf after that call)

my_rank=0 my_size=2 up=0 down=1
Linner=5 grid_res_y=0.2 yboundary=25
Rinner=1 grid_res_x=0.1 xboundary=10
slice=50 grid_size=100 phi=41600
1: my_rank=0 MPI_Isend
2: my_rank=0 MPI_Irecv
3: my_rank=0
7: my_rank=0
my_rank=1 my_size=2 up=0 down=1
4: my_rank=1 MPI_Irecv
5: my_rank=1 MPI_Isend
6: my_rank=1
11: my_rank=1
[manderly:230404] *** Process received signal ***
[manderly:230403] *** Process received signal ***
[manderly:230403] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[manderly:230403] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[manderly:230403] Failing at address: 0x58
[manderly:230404] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[manderly:230404] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[manderly:230404] Failing at address: 0x58
[manderly:230403] [ 0] [manderly:230404] [ 0] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x121c0)/lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x121c0)[0x7fa5478341c0]
[manderly:230404] [ 1] [manderly:230403] [ 1] /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/libmpi.so.20(ompi_request_default_wait+0x31)[0x7fa0ec0e9a81]
[manderly:230404] [ 2] /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/libmpi.so.20(ompi_request_default_wait+0x31)[0x7fa547a88a81]
[manderly:230403] [ 2] /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/libmpi.so.20(PMPI_Wait+0x60)[0x7fa0ec12c350]
[manderly:230404] [ 3] ./fix2[0x400f93]
[manderly:230404] [ 4] /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/libmpi.so.20(PMPI_Wait+0x60)[0x7fa547acb350]
[manderly:230403] [ 3] ./fix2[0x400ef7]
[manderly:230404] [ 5] ./fix2[0x40081a[manderly:230403] [ 4] ]
[manderly:230404] *** End of error message ***
[manderly:230403] [ 5] ./fix2[0x40081a]
[manderly:230403] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node manderly exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

(by AaronCraig Estey)


  1. Segmentation Fault when using MPI_Isend (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#mpi #C


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