谷歌播放保護阻止安裝我的調試 apk (Google play protect is preventing the installation of my debug apk)


谷歌播放保護阻止安裝我的調試 apk (Google play protect is preventing the installation of my debug apk)

我正在開發一個項目,直到最近我的所有調試 apk 在我測試它們時都運行良好。但是,當我嘗試安裝最新的調試 apk 時,googleplay 保護阻止了安裝。這是第一次發生。我不知道為什麼,因為我以與以前的 apk 相同的方式構建它。雖然以前的 apk 工作正常。現在,每當我需要構建調試 apk 時,我都必須禁用 google playprotect。


方法 1:

Ignore that and there might be an arrow button which when clicked is going to give you another button saying Continue anyway and you can install it easily again.

Also, make sure you are accepting apks from Unknown sources which can be changed in settings.

(by ZduduuSagar Balyan)


  1. Google play protect is preventing the installation of my debug apk (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Testing #Android #APK #debugging


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