使用另一個數據框的條件創建一個新列 (Create a new column with a condition of another dataframe)


使用另一個數據框的條件創建一個新列 (Create a new column with a condition of another dataframe)

我有兩個 DF

  Zone                            Tarif
  <dbl>                           <dbl>
1     1                           0.125
2     2                           0.217
3     3                           0.307
4     4                           0.387
5     5                           0.449
6     6                           0.580
7     7                           0.684
8     8                           0.894

   state total shipments koerier zone_shipments koerierkosten gewichtkoerier gewichtzone zone
AZ    AZ             453      91            362           637           1092    702226.2    6
CA    CA            2176     436           1740          3052           5232   2964741.2    5
ID    ID             261      53            208           371            636    431186.9    2
MT    MT             526     106            420           742           1272    485048.1    2
NV    NV             265      53            212           371            636    484546.3    5
OR    OR             410      82            328           574            984    591250.8    3
WA    WA             521     105            416           735           1260    798673.8    1

我想在 df2 (df2$tarif) 中創建一個帶有配對區域的新列和df1 的關稅值。示例:如果 df2$zone = 6 那麼 df2$tarif = 0.580(來自 df1 的信息)


   state total shipments koerier zone_shipments koerierkosten gewichtkoerier gewichtzone zone  tarif
AZ    AZ             453      91            362           637           1092    702226.2    6   0.580
CA    CA            2176     436           1740          3052           5232   2964741.2    5   0.449
ID    ID             261      53            208           371            636    431186.9    2   0.217
MT    MT             526     106            420           742           1272    485048.1    2   0.217
NV    NV             265      53            212           371            636    484546.3    5   0.449
OR    OR             410      82            328           574            984    591250.8    3   0.307
WA    WA             521     105            416           735           1260    798673.8    1   0.125


方法 1:

We can use join

df2 %>% 
   left_join(df1, by = c("zone" = "Zone"))

Or with merge from base R

merge(df2, df1, by.x = 'zone', by.y = 'Zone', all.x = TRUE)

方法 2:

We can use merge for this:

df2 <‑ merge(df2, df1, by.x = "Zone")

(by Timo Vakrunlab_rat_kid)


  1. Create a new column with a condition of another dataframe (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#conditional-statements #if-statement #R #dataframe


在 SSRS 中使用條件來提高可見性 (using conditionals in SSRS for visibility)

Smarty - {IF} {/IF} 內的條件太多 (Smarty - Too many conditions inside {IF} {/IF})

awk 如果有多個條件拋出錯誤 (awk if with multiple condition throws error)

正則表達式錯誤,嵌套標籤 (Regex error, nested tags)

警告:分配條件 (Warning: Assignment in condition)

JavaScript 中的條件語句 (Conditional Statement in JavaScript)

與 linus 條件 '-z' '-n' 混淆 (Confuse with the linus conditions '-z' '-n')

如果條件為真,則將表達式添加到循環中 (if condition is true, add an expression to a loop)

為什麼用多態性替換條件有用? (Why is replacing conditionals with polymorphism useful?)

如何使用條件將一個數據框列的值與另一個數據框列的值匹配? (How do you match the value of one dataframe's column with another dataframe's column using conditionals?)

使用另一個數據框的條件創建一個新列 (Create a new column with a condition of another dataframe)

排除具有空值的 Python 列表 (Excluding Python Lists With Empty Values)
