獲取python函數的變量 (Get a variable of python function)


獲取python函數的變量 (Get a variable of python function)

我是從python開始的,所以如果我使用的詞彙不合適,請見諒。我創建了一個函數,我想在一個變量中恢復文件所在的位置(它在計算機中的 URL)。



from tkinter import*
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter.messagebox import*
import tkinter.filedialog


def insert_photo():
    photo = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(title="Ouvrir une image",filetypes=[('Jpg files','.jpg'),('Gif files','.gif'),('Bmp files','.bmp'),('Png files','.png'),('Tiff files','.tif'),('All files','.*')])
    return photo


我有試過 print(os.path.realpath(__file__)) 但問題是,即使 tkinter 窗口長矛。我只是希望該函數在 shell 中執行,並且只有當我調用它時,探索窗口才會打開,並且我可以在變量中獲取路徑。


方法 1:

I am not sure exactly what your problem is. I have run your code and it works. Are you after a UNC path?

Have you tried:

>>> p = insert_photo():
>>> print(p)

You seem to have your path already.

If you are trying to open the file dialog in a specific folder you can change the current working directory with os.chdir(PATH).

If you only want the folder the image is in you can do os.path.split(PATH)[0]

(by MagicLudododell)


  1. Get a variable of python function (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Variables #Python #function #tkinter #messagebox


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