使用 spark-submit 為 Spark Job 設置 HBase 屬性 (set HBase properties for Spark Job using spark-submit)


使用 spark‑submit 為 Spark Job 設置 HBase 屬性 (set HBase properties for Spark Job using spark‑submit)

在 Hbase 數據遷移過程中,我遇到了一個java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: KeyValue size too large





hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Import \
  ‑Dhbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize=10485760 \
  myTable \

現在我需要使用 spark‑submit 運行 Spark 作業


  • 在 HBase 屬性前面加上 'spark. ' (我不確定它是否可能,如果它是'


    方法 1:

    If you can change your code, you should be able to set these properties programmatically. I think something like this used to work for me in the past in Java:

    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    conf.set("hbase.client.scanner.timeout.period", SCAN_TIMEOUT); // set BEFORE you create the connection object below:
    Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);

    (by IndentVS_FF)


    1. set HBase properties for Spark Job using spark‑submit (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#hadoop #hbase #apache-spark


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