Cú pháp lệnh curl để đăng ký device_token trên Urban Airship là gì? (What is curl command syntax for device_token registration on Urban Airship?)


Cú pháp lệnh curl để đăng ký device_token trên Urban Airship là gì? (What is curl command syntax for device_token registration on Urban Airship?)

I have an android device_token that i receive from GCM. I want to send it with the curl protocol to Urban Airship and to receive their APID for my android device. I look for something like:

curl ‑X PUT ‑u "myAppKey:secretKey" \         ‑H "Content‑Type: application/json" \         ‑H "Basic : xxxxx"         https://go.urbanairship.com/api/device_tokens/



方法 1:

There is no Urban API for such request. It is possible to receive the APID only with Urban SDK in the application build.

(by TatianaTatiana)


  1. What is curl command syntax for device_token registration on Urban Airship? (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#curl #urbanairship.com


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