xPath 在使用 for-each 循環變量時找不到選擇器,但可以正常工作 (xPath not finding selector when using for-each loop variable, but works otherwise)


xPath 在使用 for‑each 循環變量時找不到選擇器,但可以正常工作 (xPath not finding selector when using for‑each loop variable, but works otherwise)


ArrayList<String> fieldList = new ArrayList<String>();



方法 1:

You are forgetting to quote your strings in the XPath expression. Add single quotes around cField:

                     By.xpath("//td[following‑sibling::td[2] = '" + cField + "']/input")));
   //                                     quotes added here ‑‑‑^  and here ‑‑‑^
WebElement checkBox =
   driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[following‑sibling::td[2] = '" + cField + "']/input"));
   //                                      quotes added here ‑‑‑^  and here ‑‑‑^

(by Mathomaticacdcjunior)


  1. xPath not finding selector when using for‑each loop variable, but works otherwise (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#for-loop #java #arraylist #selenium #xpath


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