重定向太多。設置 htaccess 以重定向 (too many redirects. setting up htaccess to redirect)


重定向太多。設置 htaccess 以重定向 (too many redirects. setting up htaccess to redirect)


例如在舊系統中有一個鏈接叫做https://example.com/newsletter/1234/123 在新的我最後不需要這些 id . 因此,我想直接將用戶重定向到 https://example.com/newsletter/。 p>

我在我的 htaccess 文件中寫了以下內容:

RewriteRule  ^(.*newsletter)(.*) $1 [L,R=301]


我計劃使用正則表達式來捕獲包含名稱“newsletter”的所有鏈接。並刪除 URL 的其餘部分以重定向用戶。感謝任何幫助。


方法 1:

Using (.*newsletter)(.*) causes the rewrite to match /newsletter alone because .* matches zero or more characters. This sends mod_rewrite into a loop.

Instead, you can use .+ which matches one or more characters, and to that I would prepend /? to optionally match a trailing slash. There is no need to capture it in () because you do not reuse it as $2.

RewriteRule ^(.*newsletter)/?.+ $1 [L,R=301]

Your example began with .*. If you actually need that, leave it in. But if you are really just trying to match /newsletter/123/1234 and not /someother/newsletter/123/1234, simplify it with:

RewriteRule ^newsletter/?.+ /newsletter [L,R=301]

When you test this, use a private/incognito browsing window or a fresh browser. Browsers aggressively cache 301 redirects and it can make it very hard to debug rewrite rules if you are fighting against the cache.

(by K NugalMichael Berkowski)


  1. too many redirects. setting up htaccess to redirect (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



使用 htaccess 從基本 URL 中刪除變量 (Remove variable from base URL with htaccess)

多個相同的 url htaccess 重定向 (Multiple same url htaccess redirect)

使用 mod_rewrite 更改 URL 中的單詞的問題 (Issue changing a word in a URL using mod_rewrite)

無法在 XAMPP 中進行 301.htaccess 重定向 (Cannot 301.htaccess redirect in XAMPP)

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htaccess 顯示內部服務器錯誤 (htaccess show internal server error)

mod-rewrite 結合了兩種不同的重寫規則 (mod-rewrite combine two different rewrite rules)

安全的 PHP 文件上傳 (Secure PHP file uploading)

用 .htaccess 重寫基於日期的 URL:s - 解決方案? (Rewriting date-based URL:s with .htaccess - solution?)

htaccess 強制 https 和 www 到非 www,但子域僅 https (htaccess force https & www to non-www, but subdomain only https)

重定向太多。設置 htaccess 以重定向 (too many redirects. setting up htaccess to redirect)

.htaccess https、www 和子域靜默重寫 (.htaccess https, www and subdomain silent rewrite)
