在 python 中開發時,如何在 post 請求中使用“format=json&data=”? (How do I use "format=json&data=" in post requests when developing in python?)


在 python 中開發時,如何在 post 請求中使用“format=json&data=”? (How do I use "format=json&data=" in post requests when developing in python?)

  "pickup_location": {
    "pin": "110096",
    "add": "address",
    "phone": "1111111111",
    "state": "Delhi",
    "city": "Delhi",
    "country": "India",
    "name": "name of pickup/warehouse location registered with delhivery"



payload = {
    "pickup_location": {
        "pin": "110096",``
        "add": "Changsha",  # address of warehouse
        "phone": "1111111111",
        "state": "Delhi",
        "city": "Delhi",
        "country": "India"

payload = 'format=json&data={}'.format(payload)
r = requests.post(url_test, json=payload, headers=headers)
payload = {
    'format': 'json',
    'data': {
        "pickup_location": {
            "pin": "110096",
            "add": "Changsha",  # address of warehouse
            "phone": "1111111111",
            "state": "Delhi",
           "city": "Delhi",
           "country": "India"

payload = 'format=json&data={}'.format(payload)
r = requests.post(url_test, json=payload, headers=headers)


最終結果是一樣的:“POST 中缺少格式鍵”




方法 1:

I had also same problem actually payload is raw data so do this

payload = {
"pickup_location": {
    "pin": "110096",``
    "add": "Changsha",  # address of warehouse
    "phone": "1111111111",
    "state": "Delhi",
    "city": "Delhi",
    "country": "India"

payload = f'format=json&data={json.dumps(payload,default=str,indent=4)}'

方法 2:

The format and data key must be sent in body x‑www‑form‑urlencoded type postman

方法 3:

payload = {
"pickup_location": {
"pin": "110096",
"add": "Changsha",
"phone": "1111111111",
"state": "Delhi",
"city": "Delhi",
"country": "India"

payload = 'format=json&data={}'.format(payload).replace("'",'"') # replace is very important
r = requests.post(url_test, json=payload, headers=headers)

Python strings default to double quotes on the outside and single quotes on the inside. But the api requires double quotes for the parameter key.

方法 4:

I was same problem in spring boot .

when i was start searching .

Then i was find this question and i am writing this answer for spring boot developers.</p>


import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;


private RestTemplate restTemplate;

private HttpHeaders getHeaders() {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.set("Authorization", "Token yourToken");
    return headers;

public Object save(ExpressDeliveryVO expressDelivery) throws JsonProcessingException {

    HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders();

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<>("format=json&data="+mapper.writeValueAsString(expressDelivery), headers);

    return restTemplate
            .postForEntity("https://staging‑express.delhivery.com/api/cmu/create.json", entity, Object.class)


(by PeterRajatViraj SinghPeterArun Patel)


  1. How do I use "format=json&data=" in post requests when developing in python? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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