將傳入數據包注入網絡接口 (Injecting an incoming packet to a network interface)


將傳入數據包注入網絡接口 (Injecting an incoming packet to a network interface)






方法 1:

I'm going to stick my neck out and say this is not possible without kernel modifications, and possibly driver modifications. Note that:

  • There are plenty of ways of generating egress packets through a particular interface, including libpcap. But you want to generate ingress packets.

  • There are plenty of ways of generating ingress packets that are not through a physical interface ‑ this is what tap/tun devices are for.

If you modify the kernel to allow direct injection of packets into a device's receive queue, that may have unexpected effects, and is still not going to be an accurate simulation of the packets arriving in hardware (e.g. they will not be constrained to the same MTU etc). Perhaps you can build an iptables extension that fools the kernel into thinking the packet came from a different interface; I'm not sure that will do what you need though.

If all you need is simulation (and you are happy with a complete simulation), build a tap/tun driver, and rename the tap interface to eth0 or similar.

方法 2:

Another solution is to create a new dummy network device driver, which will have the same functionality as the loopback interface (i.e. it will be dummy). After that you can wrap up a creation of simple tcp packet and specify in the source and destination addresses the addresses of the two network devices.

It sounds a little hard but it's worth trying ‑ you'll learn a lot for the networking and tcp/ip stack in linux.

方法 3:

Depending on which network layer you're trying to simulate, there may be a work‑around.

I have had success getting ip packets into the ingress queue with an ethernet 'hairpin'. That is, by setting the source and destination MAC address to the local interface, sending the packet results in it first appearing as an egress packet, then being 'hairpinned' and also appearing as an ingress packet.

This at least works under linux using pcapplusplus (libpcap under the hood), with my wireless interface. Your millage may vary.

This will obviously only suit your needs if you're OK with modifying the ethernet header, ie only simulating a higher layer.

Here is a snippet of c++ where I spoof a rst tcp packet for a local socket:

        //always use the actual device source MAC, even if we're spoofing the remote rst
        //  this produces a 'hairpin' from the egress to the ingress on the interface so the tcp stack actually processes the packet
        //  required because the tcp stack doesn't process egress packets (at least on a linux wireless interface)
        pcpp::EthLayer eth(localMAC,localMAC);
        pcpp::IPv4Layer ip(remoteIP, localIP);
        pcpp::TcpLayer tcp(remotePort, localPort);
        pcpp::Packet pac(60);

        ip.getIPv4Header()‑>timeToLive = 255;
        tcp.getTcpHeader()‑>rstFlag = 1;
        tcp.getTcpHeader()‑>ackFlag = 1;
        tcp.getTcpHeader()‑>ackNumber = pcpp::hostToNet32(src.Ack);
        tcp.getTcpHeader()‑>sequenceNumber = pcpp::hostToNet32(src.Seq);



EDIT: the same code works on windows on an ethernet interface. It doesn't seem to do the same 'hairpin' judging from wireshark, but the tcp stack does process the packets.

(by GabeLablighuser1643650Neil Stephens)


  1. Injecting an incoming packet to a network interface (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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