使用一個安裝程序安裝多個軟件(安裝包裝器?) (Install multiple softwares with one installer (install wrapper?))


使用一個安裝程序安裝多個軟件(安裝包裝器?) (Install multiple softwares with one installer (install wrapper?))

我正在尋找一種無需任何用戶輸入即可按順序運行多個安裝文件(.exe 和 .msi)的解決方案。這個想法是通過運行一個安裝程序讓我工作組中的每個人都擁有相同的開發工具(eclipse、python、cygwin 等)。除了創建批處理腳本之外,是否有軟件可以創建這樣的安裝程序包裝器?



方法 1:

From my knowledge there aren't any tools which create this type of wrappers, or if there are they are not MSI‑based. This is because Windows Installer is very restrictive when it comes to running multiple installers simultaneously.

You can try using a setup authoring tool which supports package prerequisites. This way you can create a dummy package which installs nothing, but still handles all the applications you want installed.

If you want some suggestions don't hesitate to contact me.

(by beirmrrm)


  1. Install multiple softwares with one installer (install wrapper?) (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#installation #distribution #wrapper


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