不安裝證書可以使用 MSBuild 的 SignFile 嗎? (Can MSBuild's SignFile be used without installing the certificate?)


不安裝證書可以使用 MSBuild 的 SignFile 嗎? (Can MSBuild's SignFile be used without installing the certificate?)

我有一個 ClickOnce 應用程序,我已對其進行了更新,以便使用帶有 MSBuild 的現代部署 Jenkins Pipeline 進行部署。這項工作的一部分是對 .manifest 和 .application 文件進行簽名。

之前我們使用 和 MSBuild 來簽署這些文件,使用安裝在用戶個人文件中的證書存儲在構建機器上。它適用於:

<SignFile SigningTarget="MyApp.exe.manifest" 
          CertificateThumbprint="1a 9f ..." 
          TimestampUrl="http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll" />
<SignFile SigningTarget="MyApp.application" 
          CertificateThumbprint="1a 9f ..." 
          TimestampUrl="http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll" />

但是,在 21 世紀,我們更喜歡在版本控制中或通過 API 在秘密存儲中提供構建所需的一切,這樣我們就不再依賴構建服務器處於某種狀態。

那麼我們如何在不需要安裝證書的情況下使用 SignFile 對 ClickOnce 清單和應用程序進行簽名?


方法 1:

It seems like the old mage.exe is more full‑featured than SignTool.

So I copied mage.exe to my project dependencies folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.7.2 Tools, then in MSBuild, this worked for me:

<Message Text="Signing APP manifest (.exe.manifest)" />
<Exec Command="Dependencies\mage.exe ‑sign $(MyAppManifest).exe.manifest ‑CertFile MyLocalKey.pfx ‑Password MyPassword123" />

Then I did something very similar to that for the deployment manifest (.application) file.

Apparently the newer versions of mage.exe can indeed support SHA‑256, contrary to some web pages I found on the topic (perhaps they were older).

(by Patrick SzalapskiPatrick Szalapski)


  1. Can MSBuild's SignFile be used without installing the certificate? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#clickonce #assembly-signing #certificate #msbuild


ClickOnce 發布 (ClickOnce publishing)

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使用 MSBuild 發布 ClickOnce 應用 (Publish ClickOnce app with MSBuild)

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使用證書籤署 ClickOnce? (Signing ClickOnce with a certificate?)

不安裝證書可以使用 MSBuild 的 SignFile 嗎? (Can MSBuild's SignFile be used without installing the certificate?)
