流量中的 Google Maps Distance Matrix API 持續時間添加返回錯誤結果的所有段 (Google Maps Distance Matrix API duration in traffic adding all segments returning wrong result)


流量中的 Google Maps Distance Matrix API 持續時間添加返回錯誤結果的所有段 (Google Maps Distance Matrix API duration in traffic adding all segments returning wrong result)

我在 Google 地圖上的一條道路上連續設置了 11 個點當我計算在相鄰點之間行駛所需的時間並將它們相加時,總結果與從第一個點和最後一個點之間行駛所需的時間不同點


A ‑> B
B ‑> C
C ‑> D

is not equal to 

A ‑> D 



方法 1:

Here is the example: I have some coordinates

p1=(49.338202, ‑123.142030)
p2=(49.335271, ‑123.125171)
p3=(49.332503, ‑123.116240)
p4=(49.332447, ‑123.104249)
p5=(49.331949, ‑123.092218)
p6=(49.331996, ‑123.077877)
p7=(49.329556, ‑123.054275)
p8=(49.326069, ‑123.048102)
p9=(49.312711, ‑123.030485)
p10=(49.306328, ‑123.028022)
p11=(49.291653, ‑123.026348)

directions_results1 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p1,p2,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results2 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p2,p3,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results3 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p3,p4,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results4 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p4,p5,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results5 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p5,p6,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results6 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p6,p7,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results7 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p7,p8,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results8 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p8,p9,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results9 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p9,p10,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")
directions_results10 = gmaps.distance_matrix(p10,p11,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")

directions_resultst = gmaps.distance_matrix(p1,p11,mode="driving",units="metric",departure_time=now,traffic_model= "best_guess")

the number is in second

Segment 1 Time: 149
Segment 2 Time: 37
Segment 3 Time: 63
Segment 4 Time: 49
Segment 5 Time: 49
Segment 6 Time: 96
Segment 7 Time: 35
Segment 8 Time: 141
Segment 9 Time: 134
Segment 10 Time: 134
Sum of Time required for all Segments: 887
Time required from First point to Last point: 1084

(by Atif KhanAtif Khan)


  1. Google Maps Distance Matrix API duration in traffic adding all segments returning wrong result (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#distance #google-api #distance-matrix


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流量中的 Google Maps Distance Matrix API 持續時間添加返回錯誤結果的所有段 (Google Maps Distance Matrix API duration in traffic adding all segments returning wrong result)

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