Laravel 8 - 如果用戶有權調用路由,請簽入控制器 (Laravel 8 - Check in Controller if user has permission to call route)


Laravel 8 ‑ 如果用戶有權調用路由,請簽入控制器 (Laravel 8 ‑ Check in Controller if user has permission to call route)

我有一個類來創建我的導航並且我使用 spatie 權限。現在我想在我定義的路線的幫助下建立導航。是否可以在構建導航之前檢查用戶是否可以訪問路線?


方法 1:

Yes you can able to check permission of users. Below are the methods available in spatie permissions.

$user‑>hasPermissionTo('edit articles');

You can check if a user has Any of an array of permissions:

$user‑>hasAnyPermission(['edit articles', 'publish articles', 'unpublish articles']);

...or if a user has All of an array of permissions:

$user‑>hasAllPermissions(['edit articles', 'publish articles', 'unpublish articles']);

You can refer this link

$user is basically your auth()‑>user()

方法 2:

I am using Laravel 8.x version.

We can check the given permission in controller file eg:

    // allowed statement will be here

while given permission can be checked in view blade file eg:

    // allowed statement will be here

We can also check permission in routes/web.php file:

Route::get('/products/productdetail', [ProductsController::class, 'productdetail'])‑>name('products.productdetail')‑>middleware('can:product_view');

Thanks a lot for asking this question. Happy to help :)

(by Robert FelsTansukh RathodKamlesh)


  1. Laravel 8 ‑ Check in Controller if user has permission to call route (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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