試圖獲取非對象的屬性 (Trying to get property of non-object)


試圖獲取非對象的屬性 (Trying to get property of non‑object)



方法 1:

The problem is that you are interrupting your query with additional single quotes.

You have to change the following code


to this:

  ^             ^ 
 dropped the single quotes here (^)

Maybe mysqli_error() is sometimes useful to recognize this type of errors.

方法 2:

Pulled from my comment and as a complimentary answer to the other given by swidmann's:

If you're looking for specific words, then don't use the LIKE operator, but a simple WHERE col='x' then use num_rows() as you have now will suffice.

If a LIKE isn't needed, don't use it. LIKE is for foot, footing, afoot, bigfoot, etc. when passing foot in the query.

  • It may give you more results than you're really looking to get, depending the use and placement of the % wildcard.

Consult the following on the LIKE operator:

Other reference:

HTML stickler:

  • </br> that should read as <br/> or <br>

If you view the HTML source (in Firefox for example), you will see the following in red:

End tag "br".

The / character is just that; an "end" tag.

I.e.: <p>Text</p> with opening and closing "p" tags.

It's best to have proper HTML and avoiding any notices.

The W3 validator (HTML checker) https://validator.w3.org/nu/#textarea

will return:

Error: End tag br.

From line 11, column 1; to line 11, column 5

llo world↩</br>↩Hi↩</

When using:

<!doctype html>



Hello world



(by MrBswidmannFunk Forty Niner)


  1. Trying to get property of non‑object (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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