我們如何在函數輸入參數中輸入類型值作為對象? (How do we input type value as object in function input parameter?)


我們如何在函數輸入參數中輸入類型值作為對象? (How do we input type value as object in function input parameter?)


public void steal(Person other, double value) { 
    other.balance ‑= value;

我們看到有Person對像作為參數你如何在lua中做到這一點?因為似乎 lua 中的每個函數都沒有像

function steal(value)
    self.balance = self.balance ‑ value ‑‑ i know it's wrong since it reference to self but i think it something like this

值可以是任何值,因為 lua 不是原始 OOP 所以我不知道該怎麼做,但我一直在學習一些 OOP在interwebs上的lua中,卡在這一點上,我們如何輸入值作為對象?


方法 1:

Just pass the variable?

function steal(whatever, value)
    whatever.balance = whatever.balance ‑ value

(by user5370661hjpotter92)


  1. How do we input type value as object in function input parameter? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#lua #function #object #OOP


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