將 Google Analytics 權限分配給整個公司域 (Assign Google Analytics Permission To Whole Company Domain)


將 Google Analytics 權限分配給整個公司域 (Assign Google Analytics Permission To Whole Company Domain)

我想知道是否有辦法將 Google Analytics 網站權限分配給整個用戶組 (***@abc.com) 而不是單個用戶?



方法 1:

The Management API allows you to programmatically add users to an account.

I don't believe there's a way to add evernbody in one shot through the UI.

(by Alok Nath Sahanyuen)


  1. Assign Google Analytics Permission To Whole Company Domain (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#google-analytics-api #google-analytics


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