React Hook useEffect 缺少依賴項(在上下文中定義的函數) (React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency (function defined in context))


React Hook useEffect 缺少依賴項(在上下文中定義的函數) (React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency (function defined in context))

我收到錯誤消息:React Hook useEffect 缺少依賴項:'setSelectedPage'。要么包含它,要么移除依賴數組 react‑hooks/exhaustive‑deps

const Blah = props => {
    const { setPage } = useContext(GlobalContext);

    useEffect(() => {
        setPage("new project");
    }, []);

    return (
            <Index props={props} />

export default Blah;

我知道 react 希望我在 useEffectsetPage 函數> 但是它顯然在其他地方使用。我確實想知道為什麼不簡單地將 setPage 函數放在返回函數中。我想我要問的是最好的方法是什麼?


方法 1:

If you are sure it won't affect your application in bad ways, then you can ignore the linter with // eslint‑disable‑next‑line react‑hooks/exhaustive‑deps

const Blah = props => { 
  const { setPage } = useContext(GlobalContext);

  useEffect(() => {
    setPage("new project");
    // eslint‑disable‑next‑line react‑hooks/exhaustive‑deps
  }, []);

  return (
        <Index props={props} />

export default Blah;

(by mdc29JCQuintas)


  1. React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency (function defined in context) (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#react-context #react-hooks #use-effect


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