增加和減少混淆 (Incrementing and Decrementing Confusion)


增加和減少混淆 (Incrementing and Decrementing Confusion)


int a = 3;
in b = a;

我知道當您執行 a++ 時,它會添加一個 1,從而使 a = 4 現在 b 等於 a 所以它們都是 4。

int c = 3;
int d = c;

但是,這裡它告訴我 c是 4 而 d 是 3。因為 c++ 使得 c = 4; d = 4; 也不會嗎?


方法 1:

This line:

int d = c;

says "Declare a variable called d, of type int, and make its initial value equal to the current value of d."

It doesn't declare a permanent connection between d and c. It just uses the current value of c for the initial value of d. Assignment works the same way:

int a = 10;
int b = 20; // Irrelevant, really...
b = a;      // This just copies the current value of a (10) into b
Console.WriteLine(b); // Still 10...

(by Yur NazoJon Skeet)


  1. Incrementing and Decrementing Confusion (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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