ASP.NET MVC 2:調用存儲過程,獲取多個結果集 (ASP.NET MVC 2: Calling Stored Procedure, Getting Multiple ResultSets)


ASP.NET MVC 2:調用存儲過程,獲取多個結果集 (ASP.NET MVC 2: Calling Stored Procedure, Getting Multiple ResultSets)



var dataContext = new DealDataContext();
XElement xmlString = new XElement("asd");
var deals = dataContext.spSearchDeals(xmlString);
return View(deals);


<% foreach (spSearchDealsResult d in (IEnumerable)ViewData.Model)
 { %>

    <li> <%: d.TagLabel  %> </li>

<% } %>



方法 1:

Yup, a known limitation/pet hate with Linq To Sql. When you drop stored procs on the canvas, L2SQL generates a method with return type ISingleResult<T>.

The workaround is to use Entity Framework...

Just kidding, here is the L2SQL workaround.

Basically you change the return type to IMultipleResult<T>. (who knew)

On a side note ‑ why are you iterating through items in the ViewData? You are returning the model in the View, you should bind to that model directly.



and then:

<% foreach (var deal in Model.SearchDeals) %>

(by dcolumbusRPM1984)


  1. ASP.NET MVC 2: Calling Stored Procedure, Getting Multiple ResultSets (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0) #multiple-resultsets #stored-procedures #linq-to-sql


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