將小於 %ecx 的 1 推入堆棧 (push 1 less than %ecx to stack)


將小於 %ecx 的 1 推入堆棧 (push 1 less than %ecx to stack)

我正在嘗試將 比 %ecx 小一的值壓入堆棧。


pushl $(%ecx ‑ 1)

但是我從 as 得到以下錯誤。

fact.s: Assembler messages:
fact.s:49: Error: register value used as expression


movl %ecx, %edx
subl $1, %edx
pushl %edx

但是有沒有辦法做到這一點不使用額外的寄存器(在這種情況下為 %edx )?並在一條指令中?


方法 1:

Without extra registers? Sure. dec/push/inc. One instruction? No.

decl  %ecx
pushl %ecx
incl  %ecx

方法 2:

Two instructions:

pushl %ecx
subl $1, (%esp)      # or decl (%esp)

(by spsSami Kuhmonenrkhb)


  1. push 1 less than %ecx to stack (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#assembly #att #cpu-registers #x86


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