打開 .jar 文件時發生 java 異常 (a java exception has occured while opening .jar file)


打開 .jar 文件時發生 java 異常 (a java exception has occured while opening .jar file)

enter image description here

同時執行jar文件。我發現了這個例外。但是當我嘗試雙擊 .jar 文件時。它顯示 enter image description here



方法 1:

Your jar needs the Jcalendar classes to be executed properly... is the Jcalendar. jar in the classpath??

方法 2:

For those who Got this error "Java Exception Has Occurred" Try this

I tried the solution in Netbeans. While creating a jar file for swing applications. Your .jar file is placed inside the dist folder. Inside the dist folder you have one lib folder and your .jar folder.

Just select the two lib and jar files and copy and paste in some other new folder. And now you double click your jar file. now your jar file is working fine.

(by AoryouncellvanΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツAoryouncellvan)


  1. a java exception has occured while opening .jar file (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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