如何在 Rest-Assured java 中使用證書進行 HTTPS GET 調用 (How to make HTTPS GET call with certificate in Rest-Assured java)


如何在 Rest‑Assured java 中使用證書進行 HTTPS GET 調用 (How to make HTTPS GET call with certificate in Rest‑Assured java)

如何在 java 中使用 Rest‑Assured 對需要證書的端點進行 GET 調用。我有 .pem 格式的證書。在 PEM 文件中有證書和私鑰。


方法 1:

In my case using "relaxed HTTPs validation" fixed my problem:


方法 2:

Got it working with following code ‑

KeyStore keyStore = null;
SSLConfig config = null;

try {
        keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
                new FileInputStream("certs/client_cert_and_private.p12"),

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Error while loading keystore >>>>>>>>>");

    if (keyStore != null) {

        org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory clientAuthFactory = new org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory(keyStore, password);

        // set the config in rest assured
        config = new SSLConfig().with().sslSocketFactory(clientAuthFactory).and().allowAllHostnames();

RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().sslConfig(config);

方法 3:

I am new to rest‑assured but I know this kind of problems using digital certificates for client authentication

In rest‑assured doc is only an option to configure certificate: JKS

RestAssured.config = RestAssured.newConfig().sslConfig(new SSLConfig("/truststore_javanet.jks", "test1234");

Convert your PEM to JKS. Open it with portecle and ensure that the password is right and you have the certificate loaded and all the certification chain to CA root. Portecle simplify the command‑line using a GUI and also allows you to create the JKS


This error occurs ALWAYS when your java client do not trust in server certificate

 PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The easiest way to fix this is include the server certificate chain in your jdk keystore.

First, download the server certificates opening an https connection with your browser, for example with chrome. It does not matter it fails. Click on the green lock in the toolbar>Detail>See server certicate and download as PEM. It is best to download it yourself to make sure you are using the correct. Download all certificates of certification chain enter image description here

Then, open jdk cacerts at JDK_HOME/jre/lib/security with portecle. Password will be 'changeit'. Add the server certificates as 'trusted'

Now, PKIX path building failed will dissapear. If not, check the certificates and the JDK you are using

方法 4:

Using RestAssured 3.0 I took @rohitkadam19's code and got it working so:

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    try {
        RestAssured.port = port;
        RestAssured.config().getSSLConfig().with().keyStore("classpath:keystore.p12", "password");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Error while loading keystore >>>>>>>>>");

方法 5:

The method using org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory is now deprecated. If you are using the latest version of RestAssured from io then the best method is to set your authentication using:

    RestAssured.authentication =
            "trust store password",
            "p12 password",

Note, CertificateAuthSettings.certAuthSettings() uses default KeyStore settings, so be aware of this.

(by rohitkadam19Saeed Zarinfamrohitkadam19pedrofbJacques KoortsJCollerton)


  1. How to make HTTPS GET call with certificate in Rest‑Assured java (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#java #rest-assured #certificate


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