無法在所有移動瀏覽器上居中 - 普通瀏覽器效果極佳 (Centering Not Possible On All Mobile Browsers - Normal Browser Works Superb)


無法在所有移動瀏覽器上居中 ‑ 普通瀏覽器效果極佳 (Centering Not Possible On All Mobile Browsers ‑ Normal Browser Works Superb)

Oddly I have a weird problem with centering divs for  mobile browsers. Like my title says: normal pc browser  work just fine ‑ nada problemo =D but these mobile  devices let my main content (under the button section) stick to the left. I tried many things ‑ looked for solutions here on stackoverflow too ‑ but the given tipps didn't  help me so far ... the last thing i was able to center was using jQuery ‑ but I don't want to relay on that. 

Here the code: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="css/configcss.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body onLoad="MM_preloadImages('pictures/Layout/Button/homeo.png','pictures/Layout/Button/grafiko.png','pictures/Layout/Button/webo.png','pictures/Layout/Button/reklamo.png','pictures/Layout/Button/fotoo.png','pictures/Layout/Button/videoo.png','pictures/Layout/Button/muziko.png')">
<div id="headbackground">
    <div id="headcontent">
      <div id="language"> <a href="index.html"><img src="pictures/tr.png" width="40" height="24" alt="tr"></a>
      <a href="de/"><img src="pictures/de.png" width="40" height="24" alt="de"></a> 
      <a href="en/"><img src="pictures/en.png" width="40" height="24" alt="en"></a>  
  <div id="buttons">
    <div id="navimiddle"><a href="/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('home','','pictures/Layout/Button/homeo.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/homeo.png" alt="homebutton" width="190" height="50" id="home"></a><a href="tr/grafik/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('grafik','','pictures/Layout/Button/grafiko.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/grafik.png" alt="grafikbutton" width="141" height="50" id="grafik"></a><a href="tr/web/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('web','','pictures/Layout/Button/webo.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/web.png" alt="webbutton" width="101" height="50" id="web"></a><a href="tr/reklam/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('reklam','','pictures/Layout/Button/reklamo.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/reklam.png" alt="reklambutton" width="159" height="50" id="reklam"></a><a href="tr/foto/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('foto','','pictures/Layout/Button/fotoo.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/foto.png" alt="fotobutton" width="108" height="50" id="foto"></a><a href="tr/video/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('video','','pictures/Layout/Button/videoo.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/video.png" width="125" height="50" id="video" alt="videobutton"></a><a href="tr/muzik/" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('muzik','','pictures/Layout/Button/muziko.png',1)"><img src="pictures/Layout/Button/muzik.png" alt="muzikbutton" width="200" height="50" id="muzik"></a>
<div id="contentbody">
<div id="contentup">
  <div id="contentuplayout"><center>
    <iframe width="950" height="370" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/E‑dw03‑s1vA?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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<div id="mainrow1">
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  <strong><a href="tr/grafik/">GRAFiK TASARIM</a></strong>
  <p>Profesyonel ve Modern Grafik Tasar&#305;m</p>
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AND THE STYLE/CSS : The problem is in the #contentbody the rest is  centering just fine. 

body {
   font‑family:Verdana, Geneva, sans‑serif;

#headbackground {


#headcontent {

#language {

#buttons {


#contentbody {

#contentup {

#contentuplayout {

#contentmain {

#mainrow1 {

#mainrow2 {

#verticalrowleft {

#verticalrowright {
    border‑left:1px solid #000;

#footer {

#footercontent {

#copyright {

/* ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ Classes ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ */
.rollover {

.smallarticel {
    border:thin #333;

.smallarticel2 {
    border:thin #333;

.smallarticelpic {

.contentdevider {

.placeholder { width:100%; height:30px; position:relative; float:left; }

.linkstyle1 A:link    {color:#FFF; text‑decoration:none;}
.linkstyle1 A:visited {color:#FFF; text‑decoration:none;}
.linkstyle1 A:active  {color:#FFF; text‑decoration:none;}
.linkstyle1 A:hover   {
    color: #F0F0F0;
    text‑decoration: underline;

.linkstyle2 A:link    {color:#000; text‑decoration:none;}
.linkstyle2 A:visited {color:#000; text‑decoration:none;}
.linkstyle2 A:active  {color:#000; text‑decoration:none;}
.linkstyle2 A:hover   {color:#000; text‑decoration:underline;}

{  border‑style: none; }

#language img { border‑radius:5px; }

.centertext { text‑align:center; }

    background:transparent url(a‑bg.png) no‑repeat ‑81px bottom;



方法 1:

If you wish for your content to be centred on a mobile device, you will probably need to add specific CSS for a mobile device. And instead of relying on pixel based sizes you will need to use percentages. 

Centre Content Mobile Device

#container {
    width: 100%

#content‑container {
    width: 80%;
    margin‑left: 10%;

Of course you could rewrite your whole CSS to be responsive to screen sizes. Here is a quick example of how you go about doing it. http://jsfiddle.net/4LSmq/ 

How Target Mobile Screens

// target small screens (mobile devices or small desktop windows)
@media only screen and (max‑width: 480px) {
  /* CSS goes here */

/* high resolution screens */
@media (‑webkit‑min‑device‑pixel‑ratio: 2),
         (min‑‑moz‑device‑pixel‑ratio: 2),
         (min‑resolution: 300dpi) {
  header { background‑image: url(header‑highres.png); }

/* low resolution screens */
@media (‑webkit‑max‑device‑pixel‑ratio: 1.5),
         (max‑‑moz‑device‑pixel‑ratio: 1.5),
         (max‑resolution: 299dpi) {
  header { background‑image: url(header‑lowres.png); } 

Second Solution

Try changing

#contentbody {


#contentbody {

Your mobile screen is less than 1000px so your margin set in percentage is relative to the screen width which is less than 1000px in this case. Example http://jsfiddle.net/R9rSx/

Also it is wise to add, change the width until you get the desired look

<meta name="viewport" content="width=1200">

方法 2:

What about using meta tags?

<meta http‑equiv="Content‑Type" content="text/html; charset=utf‑8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial‑scale=1, maximum‑scale=1, user‑scalable=no, width=device‑width">

(by cannyMichaelPainkiller)


  1. Centering Not Possible On All Mobile Browsers ‑ Normal Browser Works Superb (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#Browser #css #html #Mobile


讓 jQuery 與 Netscape 7 和 8 一起工作 (Getting jQuery to work with Netscape 7 and 8)

功能性 javascript 和網絡瀏覽器 javascript 版本 (Functional javascript and web browser javascript versions)

VB.NET - WebBrowser 附加標題 - 用戶代理覆蓋/取消其他標題? (VB.NET - WebBrowser Additional Headers - User Agent Overrides / Cancels Other Headers?)

無法在所有移動瀏覽器上居中 - 普通瀏覽器效果極佳 (Centering Not Possible On All Mobile Browsers - Normal Browser Works Superb)

在 SWT 瀏覽器小部件中獲取選定文本 (Getting a Selected Text In SWT Browser Widgets)

瀏覽器如何知道網頁發生了變化? (How does the browser know a web page has changed?)

iPhone/Android/BlackBerry 上的 jQuery (jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry)

對 DOM 和 HTML (API) 之間的關係感到困惑 (Confused by relation between DOM and HTML (APIs))

Firefox 5 - 無限循環處理 (Firefox 5 - infinite loop handling)

字符串或二進制數據將被截斷 (string or binary data would be truncated)

拖放圖片轉Base64 (Drag and drop image convert to Base64)

使用在瀏覽器中運行的 webgl 創建 GPU 密集型 Web 應用程序是否現實? (Is it realistic to create gpu-intensive web apps using webgl running in the browser?)
