npm install throws 和錯誤告訴 node 不是一個可識別的命令 (npm install throws and error telling node is not a recognized command)


npm install throws 和錯誤告訴 node 不是一個可識別的命令 (npm install throws and error telling node is not a recognized command)

system throwing node not found error

我已將節點添加到 PATH。
節點 ‑‑version = 6.13.7
npm ‑‑version = 12.14.1


方法 1:

Whenever your PC can't pick up on node as a command, it's usually a PATH issue.

I note that you say you have already added it to Path, but it's worth checking a few things:

  1. Did you add it to User Path or System Path?
  2. How long is your Path parameter? If it's too long, you may need to break it down into two or more variables. Reference here:‑to‑make‑windows‑10‑accept‑file‑paths‑over‑260‑characters/
  3. Have you added Git to your Path as well? If not, go ahead and install Git Bash:
  4. If restarting hasn't done the trick of refreshing your env variables for whatever reason, you can force it along by opening Powershell as admin, and running refreshenv
  5. If you are able to run node commands, but npm isn't able to run them on your behalf, it may be a permissions issue. Consider running the very same command, but in an elevated permissions CMD. (Run CMD as admin)

(by NandanTim)


  1. npm install throws and error telling node is not a recognized command (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#npm #core-js #node.js


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